EU project "Transnational Approaches and Multiperspective Methods in the Teaching of History"

Museums and Galleries of Konavle are participating in the EU project "Transnational Approaches and Multiperspective Methods in the Teaching of History" which aims to promote transnational representations of history. The project leader is Universitaet Klagenfurt from Austria, and the partners are EU Warehouse from Belgium, Sprachendienst Konstanz from Germany, Instytut Tolerancji w Lodzi from Poland, Forschungszentrum für historische Minderheiten from Austria, Asociatia Solidart from Romania and Norrköpings Stadsm from Sweden.

Throughout the project, participants will show how important is the national perspective in the selection and representation of certain topics in history teaching. The partners have each chosen a significant topic from the 19th and 20th century in their own respective countries. For Belgium, that is the colonialism in the Congo; for Germany, the flight and expulsion of the Reichsdeutsche population from the eastern territories at the end of World War II; for Croatia, the shifting of borders at the end of World War II in the Konvale region; for Austria, the treatment of the Slovene minority in Carinthia; for Poland, the anti-Semitic riots in 1968; for Romania, the revolution in 1989; and for Sweden, labour emigration from the European Union in the 1950s.

The objectives of the project, following a topic division between the partners, were to analyse history school books. This analyse will show what the historical perspective and models currently look like across the European Union. The aim of this study is to present a better practice, in which history would be presented using a scientific methods, formal and non-formal educational approaches as well as artistic forms of expression, such as documentary theatre and exhibition. This would open the possibility of developing a multidimensional form of communication for adult education.

The project is expected to last three years, while due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so far, the meetings have been held online.

Museums and galleries of Konavle consist of the:

Konavle County Museum, House Bukovac, Department of Archaeology and Račić Mausoleum.

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