165th anniversary: 4. 7. 1855 - 4. 7. 2020
On Saturday, July 4th at 10 am, on the anniversary of Vlaho Bukovac’s 165th birthday, an educational walk through Bukovac’s Cavtat was organised. Curator Helena Puhara led the educational walk through Cavtat stressing all the places in the town that were influenced by Vlaho Bukovac. The walk started with the monument of Baltazar Bogišić, where Bukovac’s engagement in the realization of the idea of construction and opening of the monument was highlighted. At the Baltazar Bogišić Collection Puhara spoke about the social situation in Cavtat at the turn of the century through the contextualization of the painting Carnival in Epidaur and other works of Bukovac held in the Baltazar Bogišić Collection. In the St. Nicola's Church Picture Gallery the theme was diorama of the Christ’s tomb and the period that Bukovac spent in Cavtat from 1898 to 1902. At the very end of this educational walk, a review of the art that is held in churches of St. Nicola and Our Lady of the Snow were presented.
After the educational walk, at 10:30 am, art workshop for children called Let’s map Bukovac’s Cavtat we held. The children retraced the educational walk, but this time with the museum pedagogue Petra Kralj Fox. After the short walk they went to Bukovac House and drew, collaged and in various other creative ways marked the places that they visited earlier.