Group Svdronice from kindergarten Konavle in cooperation with the Museums and Galleries of Konavle achieved virtual cooperation with the group Tratinčica from kindergarten Jarun from Zagreb. After reading Vlaho Bukovac’s picture book, children from Tratinčice were eager to learn more about Vlaho’s life and work. Thus, during February, the project Carnival in Epidaurum was realized. During the project, the knowledge about the life and works of Vlaho Bukovac and the tradition of the carnival in Cavtat was passed on between both kindergarten groups.
Thursday, 03 March 2022
Virtual cooperation with kindergarten Konavle and kindergarten Jarun
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Museums and galleries of Konavle consist of the:
Konavle County Museum, House Bukovac, Department of Archaeology and Račić Mausoleum.
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