Title: Father and Daughters, Notes and SketchesType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the texts: Jelena BeželjPaperback: 153 pagesDimensions: 23 x…
Title: Bukovac from the dark chamberType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the texts: Helena PuharaPaperback: 42 pagesDimensions: 23 x 21…
Title: Vlaho Bukovac – Growing up IType of edition: illustrated bookAuthor of the text: Lidija CrnčevićAuthor of the illustrations: Nora…
Title: Vlaho Bukovac – ChildhoodType of edition: illustrated bookAuthor of the text: Lidija CrnčevićAuthor of the illustrations: Nora MojašHardback: 52…
Title: To the ashes of the great BukovacType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the texts: Helena Puhara, Lucija VukovićPaperback: 42…
Title: Konavoske pomice (braided palms), Katarina Bećir CollectionType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the text: Maris StanovićPaperback: 31 pagesDimensions: 22…
Title: Communication tracingType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the texts: Helena Puhara, Lucija VukovićPaperback: 57 pagesDimensions: 21 x 21 cmPublished:…
Title: Konavle Wedding – Spoken for So Far, Acquired HenceforthType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the text: Antonia Rusković RadonićPaperback:…
Title: Fragmented customs from KonavleType of edition: exhibition catalogueAuthor of the texts: Jelena Beželj, Helga Zglav-Martinac, Kristina Kojan Goluža, Vasilija…
Title: Miniature Konavle wisdomType of edition: proverb collectionAuthor of the text: Petra DominikAuthor of design: Nora MojašPaperback: 130 pagesDimensions: 15…
Title: Neđe panj neđe tanj (Bits abuot wool in Konavle) Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of the text: Antonia Rusković…
Title: Devet baba po ledu se valja (Christmas customs) Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of the text: Jelena Beželj Paperback:…
Title: Br br brrrrci (Mustache) Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of the text: Antonia Rusković Radonić Paperback: 49 pages…
Title: A Forgotten Portrait by Vlaho Bukovac Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of texts: Lucija Vuković, Nikša Grbić, Josip…
Title: Ceiling of the Theatre in Dubrovnik Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of the text: Lucija Vuković Paperback: 63…
Title: Konavosko placarnje Type of edition: exhibition catalogue Author of the text: Antonia Rusković Radonić Paperback: 67 pages Dimensions: 22…

Museums and galleries of Konavle consist of the:

Konavle County Museum, House Bukovac, Department of Archaeology and Račić Mausoleum.

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